In the overview below, you will find a list of implemented and planned features of the Masterportal.


FooterA footer can be configured, links can be included.implementedLGV 
TitleA title can be assigned to a Masterportal instance.implementedLGV 
LogoA logo can be included.implementedLGV 
MenuThe Masterportal provides a menu bar.implementedLGV 
Automatic Theme ReloadAutomatic refresh for themes can be configured.implementedLGV 
MouseoverA mouseover (hovering) for vector layers.implementedLGV 
Heatmaps (Sensor Things Layer)The Masterportal supports the display of heatmaps.implementedLGV 
Contact FormA button can be set up to link to a contact form.implementedLGV 
WMS StylingWMS services can be individually styled via the web interface.implementedLGV 
Pop-Up FunctionalityA configurable pop-up function for various user inputs.implementedLGV 
3D RepresentationSupport for the display of 3D city models / terrain models.implementedLGV 
Legend DisplayThe legend for activated themes can be displayed.implementedLGV 
ResponsivenessApplication adapts responsively to different screen resolutions. The Masterportal exists in "Desktop," "Mobile," and "Tablet" versions.implementedLGV 
Click CounterRecords user click behavior.implementedLGV 
AlertingAlerting system that responds to specific events.implementedLGV 
Cookie InfoPopup to inform the user about the use of cookies.implementedLGV 
Mouse HoverSupport for rendered tooltips via mouse hover.implementedLGV 
Zoom To FeatureZoom to a predefined feature.implementedLGV 
Zoom To GeometryZoom to a predefined geometry.implementedLGV 
Internationalization (i18n)Continuous multilingualism through i18n language files.implementedLGV 
News ModuleAn info window that displays configurable news in a popup window upon the first access of a Masterportal.implementedLGV 
WFS Buffer AnalysisRadii around geometries can be calculated. Comparisons can be made, and intersections can be determined. Storage as a query is possible.implementedBremen 
Babel / Eslint ParserBabel / Eslint Parser for package.json available.implementedLGV 
Login FunctionEnables user login to OIDC servers.implementedKernblick 



Group ThemesFunction for printing group themesimplementedLGV 
Print Map SectionFunction for printing map sectionsimplementedLGV 
PDF CreationPDFs of generated maps can be createdimplementedLGV 
WMTS PrintingWMTS layers can now be printed with MapfishimplementedLGV 

Advanced FilterA filter capable of filtering all available WFS layers on the map by all attributes and values.implementedLGV 
Predefined FiltersPredefinable filters across all WFS layers.implementedLGV 
Feature FilterFeatures can be filtered arbitrarily, and the map representation corresponds.implementedLGV 

Overview MapDisplay of a small overview map in the bottom right corner of the map window with navigation capabilityimplementedLGV 
Navigation ButtonsButtons in the map for: Zoom in, Zoom out, Home viewimplementedLGV 
Full ScreenButton for fullscreen view of the MasterportalimplementedLGV 
Scale BarConfigurable scale barimplementedLGV 
Mouse PositionCoordinate display of mouse pointer positionimplementedLGV 
Map ExtentInitial coordinates, extent, zoom levelsimplementedLGV 
Location DeterminationLocation determination on mobile devicesimplementedLGV 
Feature ClusteringFunction for feature aggregationimplementedLGV 
ViewsMap views with predefined map extent and themes to be displayed can be accessedimplementedLGV 
Switching Forward and Backward in Map ViewNavigation between the last map views forwards and backwardsimplementedLGV 
FreezeFunction to freeze the current view. Used, among other things, to avoid accidental view changes, e.g., on touch devicesimplementedLGV 
Keyboard ControlUser interface navigation can now be done via keyboardimplementedLGV 
Time SliderThe Layer Slider module has been expanded with a Time parameterimplementedRLP 

Car RoutingAbility to determine car routes (interface to external routing service)implementedLGV 
School Route RoutingAbility to determine school route routesimplemented Hamburg specificLGV 
Routing InterfaceThe Masterportal Routing Tool allows the integration of additional interfaces for routing services. Interface to the Open Route Service is established.implementedBKG 

WFS 2.0 IntegrationWFS 2.0 Service IntegrationimplementedLGV 
WMS IntegrationWMS Service IntegrationimplementedLGV 
Secured WMSIntegration of WMS services secured via HTTP Basic (lock symbol in the tree)implementedLGV 
Sensor Things APIInterface for integration / display of sensor dataimplementedLGV 
WPS IntegrationWPS IntegrationimplementedLGV 
KML ExportExport in KML format of drawn and written objectsimplementedLGV 
KML ImportImport of files in KML formatimplementedLGV 
Protected Vector and Raster ServicesIntegration of protected deegree servicesimplementedLGV 
AddGeoJSONAdd GeoJSON layerimplementedLGV 
AddWmsTool to add an external WMS to the map (including versions older than 1.3.0)implementedLGV 
WMTSUse of Web Mapping Tile Services (WMTS) is possibleimplementedWien 
Password-Protected WMSIntegration of password-protected WMS services is possibleimplementedLGV 
MultipolygoneMultipolygons are correctly processed and displayedimplementedThüringen 
VTCUse of Vector Tile Cache (VTC) is possibleimplementedWien 
Donut PolygonsDonut polygons are correctly processed and displayedimplementedThüringen 
WFS-TIntegration and use of Transactional Web FeaturesimplementedLGV 
WMSTIntegration of WMS services with Time parameterimplementedLGV 

Theme SearchFunction for searching themes via search barimplementedLGV 
Search Input FieldField for search with placeholder textimplementedLGV 
Parcel SearchFunction for parcel searchimplemented Hamburg specificLGV 
Search through Active ThemesSearching visible WFS layers for predefined attributesimplementedLGV 
Mouse PositionCoordinate display of mouse pointer positionimplementedLGV 
OSM SearchNominatim search service from OpenStreetMap accessible in the search fieldimplementedLGV 
Elastic SearchIntegration of ElasticSearch indices into the searchimplementedLGV 
BKG SearchAddress search Germany Online GazetteerimplementedLGV 
Komoot PhotonKomoot Photon can be integrated as a search platformimplementedLGV 
WFS SearchAbility to create a generic form that can search WFS services specified.implementedRLP 

Adjust TransparencyFunction to control the transparency for themesimplementedLGV 
SubcategoriesThemes can be organized into theme trees with subcategoriesimplementedLGV 
Adjust the order of themesThemes can be adjusted in their display orderimplementedLGV 
Information WindowAn information window opens when a theme is activated in the map viewerimplementedLGV 
Multiple ThemesMultiple themes can be grouped into a single entry in the theme treeimplementedLGV 
Information button on the themeAn information button is located next to the theme in the theme tree, which contains configurable information about the themeimplementedLGV 
Activate / deactivate themesRepresentation of themes can be controlled via the theme treeimplementedLGV 
Set minimum and maximum scale limitsMinimum and maximum scale limits can be configured in the theme treeimplementedLGV 
Selected themesThe themes selected by the user are additionally included in a separate section of the theme treeimplementedLGV 
CategoryThemes can be arranged in the tree according to various categories (e.g., by responsible authority or INSPIRE categories)implementedLGV 
Fix Theme TreeThe theme tree can be fixed so that it is displayed even during navigation in the mapimplementedLGV 

Distance / Area MeasurementFunction for measuring lines and polygonsimplementedLGV 
Drawing / WritingDrawing and writing tools are available (point, line, area, circle, text). Created objects can be downloaded in KML formatimplementedLGV 
Layer SliderStacked layers can be played sequentially (play, pause, backward, forward)implementedLGV 
Commute AnimationCommute flows can be visualized and animatedimplemented Hamburg specificLGV 
3D Distance MeasurementFunction for measuring distances in 3D view, e.g., building heightsimplementedLGV 
Comparison ListsFunction for comparing different vector features using comparison lists (e.g., school information system)implementedLGV 
Coordinate QueryCoordinates for a specific point can be queried (support for multiple coordinate systems)implementedLGV 
Metadata QueryMeta-information about included themes can be retrieved via CSW by clickingimplementedLGV 
Attribute QueryAttributes of a theme can be retrieved by clicking on the corresponding feature (GetFeatureInfo)implementedLGV 
Coordinate SearchFunction to search for coordinatesimplementedLGV 
ListSelection of a theme layer with a tabular representation of the contained featuresimplementedLGV 
Save SelectionA parameterized link can be generated for the currently configured map view (map extent and displayed themes)implementedLGV 
GraphModule for creating graphics using d3.jsimplementedLGV 
ShadowGenerates shadows in 3D modeimplementedLGV 
Attribute Query: ThemingIndividually customizable layout of the GFI (Get Feature Info) areaimplementedLGV 
Population QueryPopulation can be queried in user-defined areas (rectangle, circle, or polygon)implementedLGV 
Cross-Vector Service SelectionA tool for selecting features using a draggable box. The tool displays feature properties and offers a zoom function.implementedLGV 
Buffer AnalysisA buffer analysis tool is now availableimplementedBremen 
Time SliderThe WMST Time parameter can be used to provide a temporal sliderimplementedRheinland Pfalz 
Layer SwipeA module for swiping between map states is availableimplementedRheinland Pfalz 
Layer Cluster TogglerTool to collectively activate or deactivate cluster layers.implementedLGV 

Portuguese Language PackA language pack to display the Masterportal in Portuguese.implementedCommunity Masterportal 
Spanish Language PackA language pack to display the Masterportal in Spanish.implementedCommunity Masterportal 
Italian Language PackA language pack to display the Masterportal in Italian.implementedCommunity Masterportal 
English Language PackA language pack to display the Masterportal in English.implementedCommunity Masterportal 
Masterportal Add-ons

CategoryAdd-onDescriptionLeadTested with Masterportal VersionLicenseLink
Menubauforum - Extension for the table view of the menuThe bauforum add-on manipulates the menu bar of the table view and adds buttons to call up 3D views and flights..LGV Hamburg2.12.1MITmore
Borisboris - Tool for determining land valuesThe tool provides the possibility to retrieve values for land values in a specific zone. Various types of use can be selected. The determined values can be saved in a PDF file.LGV Hamburg2.12.1MITmore
Population QuerypopulationQuery - Tool for querying populationWith this tool, the population figures for a selected area in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH) as well as in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region (MRH) can be queried. Various geometries can be selected for querying on the map. The query is made under confidentiality.LGV Hamburg2.12.1MITmore
School Route RoutingschoolRouteRouting - Tool for determining school routesWith this tool, the route from any Hamburg address to any Hamburg school can be calculated. Official school entrances are also considered.LGV Hamburg2.12.1MITmore
Standard Data Package DownloadsdpDownload - Tool to download the standard data packageThis tool allows downloading a data package containing data from ALKIS and ATKIS. A region with various geometries can be selected on the map. Various data formats are offered.LGV Hamburg2.12.1MITmore
Traffic FunctionstrafficFunctions - Queries services related to trafficThis add-on performs the following tasks: 1. Queries a service of the Tunnel Central (traffic authority) at a configured interval and issues a message if necessary. 2. Updates the WFS that contains the current traffic situation. (Obsolete as the Masterportal now includes this function)LGV Hamburg2.3.0MITmore
Get Feature InfoshowParcelGFI - Extension of the Get Feature Info (GFI)Opens the GFI when using the GFI theme "flaecheninfo".LGV Hamburg2.12.1MITmore
AttributionattributionsCustomEnables adding attributions in the footer, such as imprint / copyright information, etc.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
Background MapsbackgroundSwitcherAdds a separate switcher to the map to switch between background maps.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
Coordinate TransformationcoordinateTransformExpands the menu with a function to transform coordinates.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
SearchdetailedSearchAdds a new search that communicates with the LGB's Search API.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmehr
FontsfontawesomeEnables the use of the font collection "fontawesome".LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
MenufooterCustomAllows arranging arbitrary components in the footer. Add-ons such as projectionSwitcher and ScaleLineCustom (scale bar selection) can be integrated into the footer.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
LanguagelanguageSelectorCustomReplaces the Masterportal's standard language selection. Generates a button for each supported languageLGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
Mouse PositionmousePositionCustomDisplays coordinates in the footerCustom plugin.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
APImpJsApiAdds a JavaScript API to the Masterportal.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
PrintprintLGBSpecial print module for Mapfish Print 3.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
ProjectionsprojectionSwitcherChanges map projections based on a predefined list, requires the footerCustom add-on.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
ScalesscaleLineCustomScale bar and selection of a defined map scale, requires the footerCustom add-on.LGB / terrestris / meggsimumAdapted LGB master portal based on v2.5.0MITmore
ResetTreeresetTreeTool to reset the treeLGVMasterportal v2.15.0MITmore
Oblique ViewerobliqueViewerDisplay of oblique aerial imagesLGVMasterportal v2.27.0MITmore
GFI Sensor Themes and ChartsgfiThemes/sensorChartProvides a GFI theme for displaying sensor data in charts and with download functionsBerlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the EnvironmentMasterportal v.2.38.0MITmore
Geodata Import ToolImporterImports common geospatial data formats and OGC servicesTerrestrisMasterportal >2.30.0MITmore
Geodata Export ToolExporterExports WFS and vector layers in common geospatial data formats.TerrestrisMasterportal >2.30.0MITmore
Background SwitcherbackgroundSwitcherOverview maps can be used to switch backgroundsTerrestrisv.2.5.0MITmore
GFI pie diagramgfiPieAllows pie charts in get feature info popupsDataportv.2.38.0MITmore