config.js 3.0🔗
The config.js
contains Masterportal configuration not directly related to UI or layers. For example, paths to other configuration files belong here. This file is usually placed next to the index.html
and config.json
In the following, all configuration options are described. For all configuration options of type object
, further nested options are linked and described in detail after the main table. You may also refer to this config.js example file.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description | Example |
addons | no | String[] | [] |
List of names for custom modules. The modules are to be placed in the folder /addons/ , with their entry points being defined in the addonsConf.json . |
["myAddon1", "myAddon2"] |
alerting | no | alerting | Overrides the alert module's default values. | ||
cesiumLibrary | no | String | "" |
The path to the cesium.js library. | "" |
cswId | no | String | "3" |
Reference to a CSW interface used to retrieve layer information. The ID will be resolved to a service defined in the rest-services.json file. | "my CSW-ID" |
List of attribute names to be ignored for attribute information lists of all layer types. Only used with "gfiAttributes": "showAll". | ["BOUNDEDBY", "SHAPE", "SHAPE_LENGTH", "SHAPE_AREA", "OBJECTID", "GLOBALID", "GEOMETRY", "SHP", "SHP_AREA", "SHP_LENGTH","GEOM"] |
layerConf | yes | String | Path to the services.json file containing all available WMS layers and WFS feature types. The path is relative to js/main.js. |" |
matomo | no | matomo | Options to integrate tracking via matomo. | ||
metaDataCatalogueId | no | String | "2" |
URL to the metadata catalog linked to in the layer information window. The ID is resolved to a service of the rest-services.json file. Note: This attribute is only necessary, when no "show_doc_url" is configured in the metadata dataset in the services.json. The url can either be set globally (config.js) or layer-specific(services.json). | "MetaDataCatalogueUrl" |
namedProjections | yes | String[] | Definition of the usable coordinate systems. See syntax definition for details.. | [["EPSG:25832", "+title=ETRS89/UTM 32N +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"]] |
portalConf | no | String | "config.json" |
Path to the portal's config.json file. You may also enter a node; in that case the taken path is controlled by the urlParameter config . |
Direct path: "../masterDefault/config.json"; Node: "../../portal/master/". In the node scenario, a query parameter like config=config.json must exist in the URL. |
portalLanguage | no | portalLanguage | Settings for multilingualism of the portal interface. | ||
proxyHost | no | String | Host name of a remote proxy with CORS configured to support the portal's domain, among others. | "" |
remoteInterface | no | remoteInterface | Optional remote interface configuration. | ||
restConf | yes | String | Path to the rest-services.json file describing further services, e.g. print service, WPS, CSW. The path is relative to js/main.js. |" |
styleConf | yes | String | Path to the style.json file describing vector layer (WFS) styles. The path is relative to js/main.js. |" |
vuetify | no | String | undefined | Path to the optional instance of the vuetify UI library. e.g. portal or addon specific. | addons/cosi/vuetify/index.js |
wfsImgPath | no | String | Path to the folder holding images for the WFS styles. The path is relative to js/main.js. |" |
Overrides the alert module's default values.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
fetchBroadcastUrl | no | String | false |
The alerting module will initially use a linked configuration file from this URL, if set. For more information see Alerting |
initialAlerts | no | initialAlerts | Alerts that are displayed when the portal is started | |
localStorageDisplayedAlertsKey | no | String | "displayedAlerts" |
Arbitrary key used to store information regarding the alerting module in the browser's local storage. |
alerting: {
fetchBroadcastUrl: "./resources/newsFeedPortalAlerts.json",
initialAlerts: {
qs-release: {
category: "Portal zur Abnahme!",
content: "Dieses Geoportal dient der Qualitätskontrolle durch den Kunden.<br>Es ist aufgrund von möglichen Fehlern <b>nicht</b> zur Nutzung für alltägliche oder berufliche Aufgaben geeignet!<br><br>",
creationDate: "01/09/22",
mustBeConfirmed: true,
once: true
Alerts that are displayed when the portal is started.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
category | no | String | "Info" | Header text and, at the same time, reference value for grouping alerts of the same category. |
confirmText | no | String | "mark as read" | Text of a clickable link to indicate the alert has been read. Only required when mustBeConfirmed is set to true . |
content | yes | String | "" | Message. May contain HTML. |
displayFrom | no | Boolean/String | false | Time from which the alert may be displayed. When set to false , no limitation is applied. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH-II-SS" |
displayUntil | no | Boolean/String | false | Time to which the alert may be displayed. When set to false , no limitation is applied. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH-II-SS" |
multipleAlert | no | Boolean | false | Flag indicating whether the alert should be added to the current alert list (true) or is shown as a single alert (false) |
mustBeConfirmed | no | Boolean | false | Flag indicating whether the alert requires a manual read confirmation. |
once | no | Boolean | false | If false , this alert may be shown on each visit. If true , it's only shown once. |
onceInSession | no | Boolean | false | If false , this alert may be shown on each visit. If true , it's only shown once in the current session. |
reConfirmText | no | String | "show this message again" | Text for showing the alert again. |
title | no | String | "" | Title of an alert. |
Options to integrate tracking via matomo. Besides following options further options may be set, see .
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
host | yes | String | "" | If set, tracking-information will be sent to given matomo host. |
siteId | yes | String | "" | siteId of matomo to be used. |
Settings for multilingualism of the portal interface.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
changeLanguageOnStartWhen | no | String[] | ["querystring", "localStorage", "navigator", "htmlTag"] |
Order of user language detection. See i18next browser language detection documentation for details. |
debug | no | Boolean | false |
Controls whether debug information regarding translations is logged to the console. |
enabled | yes | Boolean | true |
Controls whether a button to switch the portal's language is provided. |
fallbackLanguage | no | String | "de" |
Fallback language used if contents are not available in the currently selected language. |
languages | yes | Object | { de: "deutsch", en: "englisch" } |
Language abbreviations. Please mind that matching locale files must exist. |
loadPath | no | String | "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json" |
Path to load language files from, or a function returning such a path: function(lngs, namespaces) { return path; } . lng and ns are read from the path, if given, as if from a static path. You may also provide a URL like "https://localhost:9001/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json" . See i18next http backend documentation for details. |
portalLanguage: {
enabled: true,
debug: false,
languages: {
de: "Deutsch",
en: "English",
es: "Español",
it: "Italiano",
platt: "Platt",
pt: "Português",
ru: "Русский",
tr: "Türkçe",
ua: "Українська"
fallbackLanguage: "de",
changeLanguageOnStartWhen: ["querystring", "localStorage", "htmlTag"]
Optional remote interface configuration.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
postMessageUrl | no | String | "http://localhost:8080" |
URL the portal will post to and receive messages from with the postMessage feature. |
This module allows the user to login with an OIDC server. The retrieved access token is stored in cookies which can be used by the backend to deliver user-specific data (e.g. layers). Since the cookies are technically required to implement the login functionality, there is not corresponding cookie notice. |Name|Required|Type|Default|Description| |----|--------|----|-------|-----------| |oidcAuthorizationEndpoint|yes|String||The oidc auth endpoint, e.g. "".| |oidcRevocationEndpoint|yes|String||The oidc revoke endpoint, e.g. "".| |oidcTokenEndpoint|yes|String||The oidc token endpoint, e.g. "".| |oidcClientId|yes|String||The oidc client, e.g. "masterportal" (must be created in your IDM, e.g. keycloak).| |oidcScope|yes|String||The scope used for oidc, defaults to "profile email openid".| |oidcRedirectUri|yes|String||The url to redirect the oidc process to - after login.| |interceptorUrlRegex|yes|String||An regexp pattern that allows to specify urls the oidc token will be attached to.| Make sure in keycloak the client is configured as follows:
Access Type: public
Standard Flow Enabled: ON
Valid Redirect URIs: <PORTAL URL, e.g. https://localhost/*>
Web Origins: <PORTAL HOST, e.g. https://localhost>
will not work with keycloak since ports are not accepted in web origins.
In the section OpenID Connect Compatibility Modes
activate Use Refresh Tokens
. In the section Advanced Settings
set Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method
to S256
"login": {
"oidcAuthorizationEndpoint": "",
"oidcRevocationEndpoint": "",
"oidcTokenEndpoint": "",
"oidcClientId": "masterportal",
"oidcScope": "profile email openid",
"oidcRedirectUri": "https://localhost/portal/basic/",
"interceptorUrlRegex": "https?://localhost.*" // add authorization to all URLs that match the given regex