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The config.js contains Masterportal configuration not directly related to UI or layers. For example, paths to other configuration files belong here. This file is usually placed next to the index.html and config.json files.

In the following, all configuration options are described. For all configuration options of type object, further nested options are linked and described in detail after the main table. You may also refer to this config.js example file.

Name Required Type Default Description Example
layerConf yes String Path to the services.json file containing all available WMS layers and WFS feature types. The path is relative to js/main.js."
namedProjections yes String[] Definition of the usable coordinate systems. See syntax definition for details.. [["EPSG:25832", "+title=ETRS89/UTM 32N +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"]]
restConf yes String Path to the rest-services.json file describing further services, e.g. print service, WPS, CSW. The path is relative to js/main.js."
styleConf yes String Path to the style.json file describing vector layer (WFS) styles. The path is relative to js/main.js."
addons no String[] [] List of names for custom modules. The modules are to be placed in the folder /addons/, with their entry points being defined in the addonsConf.json. ["myAddon1", "myAddon2"]
alerting no alerting {"category": "alert-info", "isDismissable": true, "isConfirmable": false, "position": "top-center", "fadeOut": null} Overrides the alert module's default values. {fadeOut: 6000}
cameraParameter no cameraParameter Initial camera parameter
cesiumParameter no cesiumParameter Cesium flags
cswId no String "3" Reference to a CSW interface used to retrieve layer information. The ID will be resolved to a service defined in the rest-services.json file. "my CSW-ID"
defaultToolId no String "gfi" The tool with the given ID will be active when no other tool is active. "filter"
layerSelector no layerSelector Module to configure interactions with the layertree and the map, executed on a defined event.
featureViaURL no featureViaURL Optional configuration for the URL parameter featureViaURL. See urlParameter for details. Implemented for treeTypes light and custom.
footer no footer If set, a footer is shown and configured with this object.
gfiWindow no String "detached" Deprecated in the next major release. Please use the attribute "" of the config.json instead. Display type and attribute information for all layer types. attached: the attribute information window is opened at click position detached: the attribute information window is opened at the top right of the map; a marker is set to the click position. "attached"
ignoredKeys no String[] ["BOUNDEDBY", "SHAPE", "SHAPE_LENGTH", "SHAPE_AREA", "OBJECTID", "GLOBALID", "GEOMETRY", "SHP", "SHP_AREA", "SHP_LENGTH","GEOM"] List of attribute names to be ignored for attribute information lists of all layer types. Only used with "gfiAttributes": "showAll". ["BOUNDEDBY", "SHAPE", "SHAPE_LENGTH", "SHAPE_AREA", "OBJECTID", "GLOBALID", "GEOMETRY", "SHP", "SHP_AREA", "SHP_LENGTH","GEOM"]
infoJson no String "info.json" Path to the info.json file containing additional information on snippets. The path is relative to the index.html. "info.json"
inputMap no Object {} If this object is set, and its field setMarker is set to true, the Masterportal is configured as input element for data. In that case, each click sets a Map Marker and communicates the coordinates via remoteInterface in the chosen coordinate reference system. {setMarker: true, targetProjection: "EPSG:4326", setCenter: false}
inputMap.setCenter no Boolean false Center on a marker after producing it? setCenter: true
inputMap.setMarker no Boolean false Flag to activate the 'setMarker' functionality. setMarker: true
inputMap.targetProjection no String "EPSG:25832" The target coordinate reference system. Coordinates will be translated to it before being communicated via remoteInterface. targetprojection: "EPSG:4326"
mapInteractions no mapInteractions Overrides the ol map interactions. Provides further configuration possibilities for control behaviour and keyboardEventTarget.
mapMarker no mapMarker Overrides the map marker module's default values. Useful for 3D markers since OpenLayers's overlays can not be displayed in 3D mode. For this, the map marker has to be defined as vector layer.
metaDataCatalogueId no String "2" URL to the metadata catalog linked to in the layer information window. The ID is resolved to a service of the rest-services.json file. Note: This attribute is only necessary, when no "show_doc_url" is configured in the metadata dataset in the services.json. The url can either be set globally (config.js) or layer-specific(services.json). "MetaDataCatalogueUrl"
metadata no metadata Allows configuration of which metadata URLs are to be resolved via proxy.
mouseHover no mouseHover Activates the MouseHover feature for vector layers, both WFS and GeoJSON. For per-layer configuration, see the config.json's section Themenconfig.Fachdaten.Layer. true
obliqueMap no Boolean false If set to true, an oblique map layer is created. An additional oblique layer must be defined.
portalConf no String "config.json" Path to the portal's config.json file. You may also enter a node; in that case the taken path is controlled by the urlParameter config. Direct path: "../masterTree/config.json"; Node: "../../portal/master/". In the node scenario, a query parameter like config=config.json must exist in the URL.
postMessageUrl no String "http://localhost:8080" URL the portal is supposed to post messages to and receive messages from with the postMessage feature. "http://localhost:8080"
proxyHost no String Host name of a remote proxy with CORS configured to support the portal's domain, among others. ""
quickHelp no Object {} Activates the QuickHelp module. This displays a window containing help text for supported functions of the modules. Available for the layer tree (CustomTree), the search bar (Searchbar) and the routing tool (RoutingTool).
remoteInterface no remoteInterface Optional remote interface configuration.
scaleLine no Boolean false Controls whether a scale line is displayed at the bottom right of the map. true
simpleMap no Boolean false Deprecated in the next major release. Please use the parameter simpleMap as part of the configuration of the saveSelection tool in the config.json. Adds a SimpleMap URL to the Save selection dialogue. When calling this URL, the menu bar, layer tree, and map controls are deactivated. Not implemented for tree type „light“. false
startingMap3D bi Boolean false Controls whether the map should start in 3D mode.
tree no tree
uiStyle no String "default" Sets the control element layout. table
wfsImgPath no String Path to the folder holding images for the WFS styles. The path is relative to js/main.js."
wpsID no String "" Reference to a WPS interface used in various modules. The ID is resolved to a service defined in the rest-services.json file. ""
zoomToFeature no zoomToFeature Deprecated in the next major release. Please use zoomTo instead. Optional configuration of the URL query parameter featureid. For details, see urlParameter.
zoomTo no zoomTo[] Configuration for the URL query parameters zoomToFeatureId and zoomToGeometry.
layerInformation no layerInformation Configuration for the layerInformation window.
vuetify no String undefined Path to the optional instance of the vuetify UI library. e.g. portal or addon specific. addons/cosi/vuetify/index.js
layerSequence no layerSequence Configuration for layerSequence.


Name Required Type Default Description
fetchBroadcastUrl no String false The alerting module will initially use a linked configuration file from this URL, if set.
localStorageDisplayedAlertsKey no String "displayedAlerts" Arbitrary key used to store information regarding the alerting module in the browser's local storage.


Cesium Scene camera settings in 3D mode. Deprecated in the next major release. Please use cesiumParameter instead.

Name Required Type Default Description
heading no Number Camera's initial heading in radians
tilt no Number Camera's initial tile in radians
altitude no Number Camera's initial height in meters


Cesium Scene settings in 3D mode. For more attributes see Scene

Name Required Type Default Description
camera no camera Cesium Scene camera settings in 3D mode.
fog no fog Cesium Scene fog settings in 3D mode.
fxaa no Boolean true activates fast approximate anti-aliasing
globe no globe Cesium Scene globe settings in 3D mode.
maximumScreenSpaceError no Number 2.0 Detail level in which terrain/raster tiles are fetched. 4/3 is the highest quality level.
tileCacheSize no Number 100 terrain/raster tile cache size


    "camera": {
        "altitude": 127,
        "heading": -1.2502079000000208,
        "tilt": 45
    "fog": {
        "enabled": true
    "fxaa": true,
    "globe": {
        "enableLighting": true
    "maximumScreenSpaceError": 2,
    "tileCacheSize": 20,

Cesium Scene camera settings in 3D mode. The camera is defined by a position, orientation, and view frustum. For more attributes see Scene

Name Required Type Default Description
altitude no Number Camera's initial height in meters
heading no Number Camera's initial heading in radians
tilt no Number Camera's initial tile in radians


    "camera": {
        "altitude": 127,
        "heading": -1.2502079000000208,
        "tilt": 45


Cesium Scene fog settings in 3D mode. Blends the atmosphere to geometry far from the camera for horizon views. For more attributes see Scene

Name Required Type Default Description
enabled no Boolean false True if fog is enabled.


    "fog": {
        "enabled": true


Cesium Scene globe settings in 3D mode. The globe rendered in the scene, including its terrain and imagery layers. For more attributes see Scene

Name Required Type Default Description
enableLighting no Boolean false Activates light effects on the map based on the sun's position.


    "globe": {
        "enableLighting": true

Name Required Type Default Description
urls no urls[] Array of URL configuration objects.
showVersion no Boolean false If true, the Masterportal version number is included in the footer.
footerInfo no footerInfo[] Array of information configuration objects.
mobileFooterInfoToggler no Boolean false If true, it is possible to toggle the footer info in mobile version.


Name Required Type Default Description
alias no String "Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung" Link text for desktop applications
alias_mobil no String "LGV" Link text for mobile applications
bezeichnung no String "Kartographie und Gestaltung: " Link prefix
url no String the URL the alias (or alias_mobile) text links to, e.g. "". You may also link to mail creation with e.g. ""
toolModelId no String "SdpDownload" The id of a module to be opened on clicking the link. Do not include a URL for such cases.


    "footer": {
        "urls": [
                "bezeichnung": "Cartography and design: ",
                "url": "",
                "alias": "Landesbetrieb Geoniformation und Vermessung",
                "alias_mobil": "LGV"
                "bezeichnung": "",
                "url": "",
                "alias": "Map inconsistencies"
                "bezeichnung": "",
                "url": "",
                "alias": "SDP Download",
                "toolModelId": "sdpdownload"
        "showVersion": true


Name Required Type Default Description
title yes String Title of the information tab.
description no String Text displayed under the title.
subtexts no subtexts[] Array of subtext configuration objects.


Name Required Type Default Description
subtitle yes String Subtitle of the subtext.
text no String Text displayed under the subtitle.


    "footerInfo": [
            "title": "Contact",
            "description": "Text under the titel",
            "subtexts": [
                    "subtitle": "Postal address",
                    "text": "Max-Mustermann-Str. 1 <br> 12345 City <br> Germany"
                    "subtitle": "Phone and fax",
                    "text": "Tel: +49 (0) 1234 56789 <br> Fax: +49 (0) 1234 5678910"
            "title": "Privacy",
            "subtexts": [
                    "subtitle": "Subtitle",
                    "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt..."


Name Required Type Default Description
interactionModes no Object {dragPan: false, altShiftDragRotate: false, pinchRotate: false} Interaction settings for the ol default interactions. If not set, the default setting is used.
keyboardEventTarget no Object/false false possibility to set the keyboard event target for the ol map e.g keyboardEventTarget: document


    "mapInteractions": {
        "interactionModes": {"dragPan": false, "altShiftDragRotate": true, "pinchRotate": false, "dragZoom": true},
        "keyboardEventTarget": false


Name Required Type Default Description
pointStyleId no String "defaultMapMarkerPoint" StyleId to refer to a style.json point style. If not set, the img/mapMarker.svg is used.
polygonStyleId no String "defaultMapMarkerPolygon" StyleId to refer to a style.json polygon style.


    "mapMarker": {
        "pointStyleId": "customMapMarkerPoint",
        "polygonStyleId": "customMapMarkerPolygon"


Name Required Type Default Description
minShift no Integer 5 Minimum mouse position movement required to render a new tooltip; in pixels.
numFeaturesToShow no Integer 2 Maximum amount of element information per tooltip; when exceeded, an information text informs the user of cut content.
infoText no String "(Further objects. Please zoom.)" Information text shown when numFeaturesToShow is exceeded.


Name Required Type Default Description
enabled yes Boolean true Controls whether a button to switch the portal's language is provided.
debug no Boolean false Controls whether debug information regarding translations is logged to the console.
languages yes Object { de: "deutsch", en: "englisch" } Language abbreviations. Please mind that matching locale files must exist.
fallbackLanguage no String "de" Fallback language used if contents are not available in the currently selected language.
changeLanguageOnStartWhen no String[] ["querystring", "localStorage", "navigator", "htmlTag"] Order of user language detection. See i18next browser language detection documentation for details.
loadPath no String "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json" Path to load language files from, or a function returning such a path: function(lngs, namespaces) { return path; }. lng and ns are read from the path, if given, as if from a static path. You may also provide a URL like "https://localhost:9001/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json". See i18next http backend documentation for details.


"portalLanguage": {
        "enabled": true,
        "debug": false,
        "languages": {
            "de": "deutsch",
            "en": "englisch"
        "fallbackLanguage": "de",
        "changeLanguageOnStartWhen": ["querystring", "localStorage", "navigator", "htmlTag"],
        "loadPath": "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json"


Name Required Type Default Description
imgPath no String "/" An absolute or relative path to the folder containing the quick help images.
searchbarAllgemeines1 no String "allgemein.png" First quick help image regarding the Searchbar, belonging to the chapter "General information". The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
searchbarAllgemeines2 no String "allgemein_2.png" Second quick help image regarding the Searchbar, belonging to the chapter "General information". The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
searchbarAllgemeines3 no String "allgemein_3.png" Third quick help image regarding the Searchbar, belonging to the chapter "General information". The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
searchbarFlurstueckssuche no String "allgemein_4.png" Quick help image regarding the Searchbar, belonging to the chapter "Parcel search". The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
aufbau1 no String "themen.png" First quick help image regarding the layer tree (CustomTree), belonging to the structure chapter. The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
aufbau2 no String "themen_2.png" Second quick help image regarding the layer tree (CustomTree), belonging to the structure chapter. The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool1 no String "routing_1.png" First quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool2 no String "routing_2.png" Second quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool3 no String "routing_3.png" Third quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool4 no String "routing_4.png" Fourth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool5 no String "routing_5.png" Fifth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool6 no String "routing_6.png" Sixth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool7 no String "routing_7.png" Seventh quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool8 no String "routing_8.png" Eighth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool9 no String "routing_9.png" Nineth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool10 no String "routing_10.png" Tenth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool11 no String "routing_11.png" Eleventh quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool12 no String "routing_12.png" Twelfth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool13 no String "routing_13.png" Thirteenth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool14 no String "routing_14.png" Fourteenth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool15 no String "routing_15.png" Fifteenth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.
routingTool16 no String "routing_16.png" Sixteenth quick help image regarding the routing tool (RoutingTool). The image must exist in the imgPath folder.


Name Required Type Default Description
postMessageUrl no String "http://localhost:8080" URL the portal will post to and receive messages from with the postMessage feature.


    "remoteInterface": {
        "postMessageUrl": "http://localhost:8080"


Name Required Type Default Description
orderBy no String "OpenData" Category the layer tree is sorted by initially.
layerIDsToIgnore no Array Array of services.json layer ids not to be shown in the layer tree.
layerIDsToStyle no layerIDsToStyle[] Special implementation for a HVV (Hamburg public transportation) service. Contains objects to request various styles of a layer id.
metaIDsToMerge no String[] All layers found in the services.json regarding these meta IDs are merged to a single layer of the layer tree.
metaIDsToIgnore no String[] All services.json layers listed will not be shown in the layer tree.
isFolderSelectable no Boolean true Globally sets whether a selection box is provided on folders that de-/activates all layers in it. An override per element exists, see config.json.


Name Required Type Default Description
id no Sring a services.json layer's id
styles no String/String[] Style to be used as string; if multiple styles are to be used, they are listed in an array.
name no String/String[] Name to be used as string; if multiple names are to be used, they are listed in an array.
legendUrl no String/String[] Legend image URL to be used as string; if multiple legend images are to be used, their URLs are listed in an array.


    "tree": {
        "orderBy": "opendata",
        "layerIDsToIgnore": ["1912", "1913"],
        "layerIDsToStyle": [
                "id": "1935",
                "styles": ["geofox_Faehre", "geofox-bahn", "geofox-bus", "geofox_BusName"],
                "name": ["Fährverbindungen", "Bahnlinien", "Buslinien", "Busliniennummern"],
                "legendURL": ["", "", "", ""]
        "metaIDsToMerge": [
        "metaIDsToIgnore": [
        "isFolderSelectable": false


Name Required Type Default Description
useProxy no String[] Deprecated in the next major release. GDI-DE recommends setting CORS headers on the required services instead. Describes which metadata URLs are to be requested via proxy. The request will contain the requested URL as path, with dots replaced by underscores.


    "metadata": {
        "useProxy": [


Name Required Type Default Description

|id|yes|enum["zoomToFeatureId", "zoomToGeometry"]||Id of the URL query parameter the configuration refers to.| |layerId|yes|String||Id of the layer the feature should be fetched from.| |property|yes|String||Name of the property the features should be filtered by.| |addFeatures|no|Boolean|true|Specifies whether the desired features should be added to the map in a separate layer.| |allowedValues|no|Array||Only relevant when id equal zoomToGeometry. Further filters the values allowed in the URL query parameters.| |styleId|no|String||Only relevant when id equal zoomToFeatureId. Id of the styleObject that should be used to style the features retrieved from the service.|


    zoomTo: [
            id: "zoomToGeometry",
            layerId: "1692",
            property: "bezirk_name",
            allowedValues: [
            id: "zoomToFeatureId",
            layerId: "4560",
            property: "flaechenid",
            styleId: "location_eventlotse"


Deprecated in the next major release. Please use zoomTo instead.

Name Required Type Default Description
imgLink yes String Marker link. Deprecated in the next major release.
wfsId yes String ID to a WFS layer of which features to a position are requested from.
attribute yes String Attribute by which the WFS is filtered.
styleId no String A styleId from the styles.json may be supplied to override the map marker's design
setFeature no Boolean yes
useProxy no Boolean false Deprecated in the next major release. GDI-DE recommends setting CORS headers on the required services instead. Whether the service URL is to be requested via proxy. The request will contain the requested URL as path, with dots replaced by underdashes.
addFeatures no Boolean true Specifies whether the desired features should be added to the map in a separate layer.


    "zoomtofeature": {
        "attribute": "flaechenid",
        "wfsId": "4560",
        "styleId": "location_eventlotse"


Deprecated in the next major release. Please use zoomTo instead.

Name Required Type Default Description
imgLink yes String Marker link. Deprecated in the next major release.
layerId yes String "123456789" Id of the WFS layer the geometry is requested from.
attribute yes String "district_name" Attribute by which the WFS is filtered.
geometries yes String ["DISTRICT1", "DISTRICT2"] Contains the geometries to be filtered from the WFS.


    "zoomToGeometry": {
        "layerId": "123456789",
        "attribute": "district_name",
        "geometries": ["DISTRICT1", "DISTRICT2"]


Module to configure interactions with the layertree and the map, executed on a defined event.

Name Required Type Default Description
events yes Object[] Events to be executed from other modules to select or add layers in layertree.
default no Object Object to overwrite the missing parts in the events objects.


    "events": [
            "event": "modulname",
            "deselectPreviousLayers": "always",
            "layerIds": ["1001"]
            "event": "modulname",
            "deselectPreviousLayers": "always",
            "layerIds": ["1000"]
    "default": {
        "openFolderForLayerIds": []

Array of Objects. In a single object, interactions with the layertree and the map can be configured. Those interactions are executed on a defined event.

Name Required Type Default Description
event yes String The name of the event that can trigger actions. For possible values and their meanings see the table below.
showLayerId no String Layer ID of the layer to be shown in the layer tree. Opens the layer tree and extends all correspoding folders at the location of the defined layer. Only in destop mode.
layerIds no String[] Layer IDs to select in the layer tree.
openFolderForLayerIds no String[] List of Layer IDs to open their folders in the layer tree.
extent no Integer[] Bounding Box to zoom to when this event is triggered.
deselectPreviousLayers no String always Deselects all selected layers if it has the value 'always'. For value 'none' nothing happens.


    "events": [{
        "event": "measure_geometry",
        "showLayerId": "1234",
        "layerIds": ["2345", "3456", "4567"],
        "openFolderForLayerIds": ["2345"],
        "extent": [550697, 5927004,579383, 5941340],
        "deselectPreviousLayers": "always",

Values for event

Events that can trigger actions.

event Description
comparefeatures_select When a layer is selected for comparison in CompareFeatures module
fileimport_imported When files were successfully imported in FileImport module
measure_geometry When the selected geometry value changed in Measure module


Name Required Type Default Description
epsg no Integer 4326 EPSG code for coordinate reference system to translate coordinates to.
layers yes layers[] Layer configuration array for given features.
zoomTo String/String[] Id of layers or array thereof, to which the Masterportal initially zooms. If none are given, the usual initial center coordinate is used.


    "featureViaURL": {
        "epsg": 25832,
        "zoomTo": "urlPointFeatures",
        "layers": [
                "id": "urlPointFeatures",
                "geometryType": "Point",
                "name": "URL Point Features",
                "styleId": "url_points"
                "id": "urlLineFeatures",
                "geometryType": "LineString",
                "name": "URL Line Features",
                "styleId": "url_lines"
                "id": "urlPolygonFeatures",
                "geometryType": "Polygon",
                "name": "URL Polygon Features",
                "styleId": "url_polygons"
                "id": "urlMultiPointFeatures",
                "geometryType": "MultiPoint",
                "name": "URL MultiPoint Features",
                "styleId": "url_mulitpoints"
                "id": "urlMultiLineStringFeatures",
                "geometryType": "MultiLineString",
                "name": "URL MultiLineString Features",
                "styleId": "url_multilinestring"
                "id": "urlMultiPolygonFeatures",
                "geometryType": "MultiPolygon",
                "name": "URL MultiPolygon Features",
                "styleId": "url_multipolygons"


The parameters described apply for each entry of the layers array.

Name Required Type Default Description
id yes String unique ID for the layer to be created
geometryType yes enum["LineString", "Point", "Polygon", "MultiPoint", "MultiLineString", "MultiPolygon"] Geometry type of the feature to be shown.
name yes String Layer name displayed in the layer tree, the legend, and the GFI pop-up.
styleId no String Style id to be used for the feature, referring to the style.json.


    "layers": [{
        "id": "urlPolygonFeatures",
        "geometryType": "Polygon",
        "name": "URL Polygon Features",
        "styleId": "url_polygons"


Configuration for the layerInformation window.

Name Required Type Default Description
showUrlGlobal no Boolean parameter to globally toggle the dispaly of the service url for all layers. Referring to the "urlIsVisible" Parameter (see config.json )


    "layerInformation": {
        "showUrlGlobal": true


Configuration for the layerSequence.

Name Required Type Default Description
moveModelInTree no Boolean true Flag whether it should be possible to move a layer in the topic tree despite a defined LayerSequence.


    "layerSequence": {
        "moveModelInTree": true

Masterportal translation documentation

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