
Masterportal Version 2.37.0 veröffentlicht

v2.37.0 - 2023-09-06


New Tool 3D-Modeler has been added to draw/import 3D models into the 3D map.


  • Possibility to use ESRI CH LocationFinder for geosearch option.
  • Possibility to use Komoot for geosearch/reverse geosearch option.
  • Possibility to use Gazetteer for geosearch option.
  • Possibility to use specialWfs for geosearch option.
  • Possibility to use Elastic Search for geosearch option.
  • Possibility to define a bbox value for the BKG geosearch service for the different speed profiles.

WebGL render pipeline supports now also VectorTile layers.

Printing is now for 3d supported.

Added new module login button that allows the user to login with an OIDC IDM. The resulting auth token is added to all service requests (can be configured).


  • added pipeline file for bitbucket
  • added pipeline file for gitlab
  • New shared-component "TableComponent".


The following packages have been updated:


  • @masterportal/masterportalapi: 2.23.0 to 2.27.0 (This also raised olcs to version 2.15.0 and ol to 7.5.1)


  • The parameter filterOnMove now only works in combination with "'multiLayerSelector': false" to create a better user experience.
  • The filter configuration in the portal master is adapted to the new syntax.
  • New Parameter operatorForAttrName for Snippets to allow the snippet to filter over multiple attrNames with an OR logic.
  • Parameter input and slider now also work for the snippet type slider.


  • Issue #1061: Filter: Accept gml:featureMembers occuring with other children in XML response.
  • Issue #1068: Print: fixed printing of point layers.
  • Default Tree
    • on category change all layers are shown in the layer tree
    • Config.tree.orderBy sets category



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