v2.40.0 - 2023-12-06
The following packages have been added:
- devDependencies:
- webpack-bundle-analyzer: 4.9.1
- To manage dependencies of dependencies "overrides" for cesium are added to package.json and create dummy packages for it.
- Issue #1105: Added easting and nothing labels for utm projections in CoordToolkit
- possibility to keep more than one tool open at the same time
- Added parameter minChars to the locationFinder configuration of the searchBar.
- utils/convertColor: added an option to convert an rgba array into a hex color with alpha value
- Searchbar tree: add a layertree path to the search result. Add a typename for background layer.
- Added opacity to configurable parameters of styleRoute
- The script "npm run build" has been extended. The user can now specify the name of an addon that is excluded from bundle.
- The roadmap dates have been updated. See Readme.
- Highlighting features via URL:
- now accepts multiple feature ids, seperated with commas.
- Zooms the map, so that all highlighted features are visible.
- The following NPM packages have been updated:
- dependencies:
- @masterportal/masterportalapi: 2.29.0 to 2.30.0
- dependencies:
- New parameter "loaderOverlayMaxWait" has been added to configure the maximum loading time for Loader Overlay
- Issue #1064: Print: parameter to configure invisible layer info
- Added radio selection of background layers in custom treetype when 'singleBaseLayer' is true
- The following packages have been removed:
- devDependencies:
- webpack-visualizer-plugin
- devDependencies:
- prepareFeaturesFor3D is now called after loading
- Geojson layer: prepareFeaturesFor3D is now called after loading.
- Issue #1081: Transmit authorization token to services after login
- Issue #1091: VectorStyle: read geometry type from geoserver featureTypeRequest and do not fail if some rules in style.json have no condition.
- Issue #1093: Fixed the Wrong CRS in GeoJSON by Download filtered data
- Issue #1099: The package.json is adapted, now the size of the bundle, created with "npm run build" is reduced.
- Issue #1109: Folders with identical names are searchable in searchbar tree search.
- Search gazeteer: the results to show are arranged to prefer entries, that start with first char of searchstring.