v2.44.0 - 2024-04-03
- PoiOrientation:
- Improved handling when selecting a feature from the list.
- Poi control is now displayed in the same way as Orientation when selected.
- customPosition can now be overwritten via config.json.
- A layers extent can now be used from the getCapabilities request and applied when a layer gets selected.
- Added WMS support to add CQL filters by attribute.
The following packages have been updated:
- dependencies:
- @masterportal/masterportalapi: 2.34.0 to 2.35.0
- Issue #1148: fixed bug in vector search so that it can handle GeometryCollection.
- Issue #1154: setting of altitude and AltitudeOffset as z coordinate now works for GeometryCollection.
- Issue #1157: using layer attribute legend: "ignore" hides legend tab in layerinformation.
- WFST-Tool: Added WFS-T fixes & improvements.
- WfsSearch: It is now also possible to zoom in on result features with a geometry of type polygon.
- PoiOrientation:
- Only features that match the selected distance are displayed.
- Only features that match the selected distance are displayed.
- WfsSearch: Closing the WfsSearch UI and clicking on the "ResetUI"-Button now also remove the highlighting.