v2.46.0 - 2024-06-05
- Drawn entities can be rotated.
- Dimensions of rectangles can now be set using forms when selected.
- Added copy function for drawn models.
- Added options section to draw overview.
- Polygon and line highlighting has been changed
- Measurement labels of drawn entities can now be toggled on/off individually.
- Labels now move and get updated when the corresponding entity gets changed or moves.
- Moving entities takes cursor position into account and uses it as an anchor point.
- Tools: The active tools which are only supported in 3D mode will be closed after switching to 2D mode.
- Depending on the load state of the configured layers, the selection is activated automatically.
- A loading indicator is shown, if layers are still loading.
- Layer options in the dropdown are enabled once the layer is fully loaded.
- Improved error handling.
Measure module:
- Entities from other tools are now ignored when pressing "delete measurements".
- The line width of polylines can be edited again.
- The color picker for editing polylines shows the right color again.
- Selected drawn entities can be exported again as geojson.
- Issue #1160: Fixed bug in area calculation during editing.
- Issue #1165: Fixed a bug in scrollToLayer(), where focus-behaviour did not work as intended in tree.
- Issue #1166: function isHTML now recognizes more HTML tags in one String as valid.
- Issue #1179: Add Parameter "WithCredentials" to highlightFeaturesByAttribute axios request, so that it works with secured layers.
- Issue #1181: Fixed printing multipolygon features when labelField is configured.
- Issue #1191: Create URL with right order of baselayers if only baselayers are selected.
- Removed empty span-Tag in Layertree for singleBaseLayer
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