
Masterportal Version 3.2.0 veröffentlicht

3.2.0 04.09.2024



  • WFST: Added buttons names for confirm and stop.
  • Alerting: Examples for the configuration of messages have been added to the alerting documentation.
  • Modeler3D: Modeler3D was added
  • LayerTree:
    • In SubMenu added button to open contact form with layer specific parameters to be used in email.
    • Adds parameter buttonTitle in addLayerButton to enable to configure the button title.


  • LayerSelection
    • Switches layer categories selection from <select.. to <radio.. using a collapsed list open/close within a IconButton.
    • Adds handling for parameters in config.json/portalConfig.tree:
      • hideBackgroundsHeader to hide the headline for backgrounds
      • backgroundsHeaderText custom headline for the backgrounds (to overwrite the default translation)
      • hideDatalayerHeader to hide the headline for datalayers
      • datalayerHeaderText custom headline for the datalayers (to overwrite the default translation)
  • Login: Access Tokens are now revoked after logout
  • The following packages have been updated:
    • dependencies:
    • @masterportal/masterportalapi: 2.39.0 to 2.40.0


  • Filter: The buttons were always disabled in the accordion of the filter.
  • LayerSelection: After layer category switch the visible background layer were removed from layer selection.
  • Issue #1224: SecondaryMenu for mobile after closing allows to select coordinates.
  • GetFeatureInfo: Images are displayed and the size of images was adapted.
  • Login: Access Tokens are now revoked after logout
  • OAF-Layer: if parameter 'bbox' is not set, the 'bbox' in parameter 'datasets' is used. Fallback is maps extent.
  • Print: Fixed error messages when zooming after map printing is closed
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