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The Alerting moduleđź”—

The Masterportal can display hints to users by using the Alerting module. Both simple texts and HTML may be displayed.

Since multiple alert messages may be shown at once, a pool of all available alerts can be shown with multipleAlert: true. On adding a valid alert to this pool, a modal with all currently active alerts is shown.

An alert may be added in this fashion:

import store from "[...]/src/app-store/index";

// [...]

store.dispatch("Alerting/addSingleAlert", {
    "category": "error",
    "content": "This wasn't supposed to happen! (Error Code 1234)",
    "multipleAlert": true

Another example: The following alert is shown from October '20 to November '21 and requires a manual reading confirmation.

import store from "[...]/src/app-store/index";

// [...]

store.dispatch("Alerting/addSingleAlert", {
    "category": "info",
    "confirmText": "Starting any minute now ... !",
    "content": "Please prepare the quarterly reports!",
    "displayFrom": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
    "displayUntil": "2021-11-01 00:00:00",
    "mustBeConfirmed": true

Parameters for alert creationđź”—

Name Required Type Default Description
title no String "" Title of an alert.
category no String "Info" Header text and, at the same time, reference value for grouping alerts of the same category.
confirmText no String "mark as read" Text of a clickable link to indicate the alert has been read. Only required when mustBeConfirmed is set to true.
reConfirmText no String "show this message again" Text for showing the alert again.
content yes String "" Message. May contain HTML.
displayFrom no Boolean/String false Time from which the alert may be displayed. When set to false, no limitation is applied. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH-II-SS"
displayUntil no Boolean/String false Time to which the alert may be displayed. When set to false, no limitation is applied. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH-II-SS"
mustBeConfirmed no Boolean false Flag indicating whether the alert requires a manual read confirmation.
multipleAlert no Boolean false Flag indicating whether the alert should be added to the current alert list (true) or is shown as a single alert (false)
once no Boolean false If false, this alert may be shown on each visit. If true, it's only shown once.
onceInSession no Boolean false If false, this alert may be shown on each visit. If true, it's only shown once in the current session.
displayOnEvent no Object undefined Optional. If given the following object is required: {type: string, value: string

Initially loading an Alerting configurationđź”—

The Alerting module allows specifying an URL in the config.js parameter alerting.fetchBroadcastUrl, e.g. "https://localhost:9001/portal/master/resources/broadcastedPortalAlerts.json". If such a parameter is set, the module will load the linked configuration file and create the alerts. Multiple alerts are allowed by default. This may e.g. be used to inform users of new versions or planned down-times. An arbitrary amount of portals may be supplied with such a central user information file.

Configuration file example:

  "globalAlerts": ["AlertId3"],

  "restrictedAlerts": {
    "": ["AlertId1", "AlertId2"],
    "": ["AlertId4"]

  "alerts": {
    "AlertId1": {
      "category": "error",
      "content": "The server is in maintenance mode until November 10, 2020.",
      "displayFrom": "2020-11-09 00:00:00",
      "displayUntil": "2020-11-10 00:00:00",
      "mustBeConfirmed": false,
      "once": false
    "AlertId2": {
      "category": "info",
      "content": "Since 11.11. there is a new version of the portal!",
      "displayFrom": "2020-11-11 00:00:00",
      "displayUntil": "2020-11-30 00:00:00",
      "mustBeConfirmed": true,
      "once": true
    "AlertId3": {
      "category": "Welcome!",
      "content": "Welcome to the Portal!"
    "AlertId4": {
      "category": "warning",
      "content": "This portal will be deactivated on 01/01/2021!",
      "displayFrom": "2020-12-01 00:00:00",
      "displayUntil": "2020-12-31 23:59:59"

Within "globalAlerts" an array may be specified that holds alert IDs to be loaded on all portals.

In the "restrictedAlerts" object alerts only for specific portals may be specified. For these, the key is the portal URL, and the value an array of alert IDs to be resolved by the portal at that URL.

Within "alerts", alerts may be defined as previously defined. Each alert holds an ID for reference, which is its respective key in the "alerts" object.

Besides the central loading of alerts with an own alerting json. Alerts can defined within the config.json with the parameter Portalconfig.alerts. If such a parameter is set, the module will create the alerts. Multiple alerts are allowed by default. This allows to customize the initial alerts of a single portal.

Configuration of alerts within config.json example:

  "Portalconfig": {
    "alerts": {
      "qs-release": {
        "category": "Portal zur Abnahme!",
        "content": "Dieses Geoportal dient der Qualitätskontrolle durch den Kunden.<br>Es ist aufgrund von möglichen Fehlern <b>nicht</b> zur Nutzung für alltägliche oder berufliche Aufgaben geeignet!<br><br>",
        "creationDate": "01/09/22",
        "mustBeConfirmed": true,
        "once": false
    "mapView": {

Alerts on eventsđź”—

Alerts are possible for almost any event.

For example: You want to inform the user with additional information when clicking a specific button. E.g, a change from 2D to 3D mode. You can configure an alert event for these actions.

The identifier is a displayOnEvent key of an alert item. Containing an object with a type for the action (event address) and with two possible cases for the value property as follow (It depends on the events themself):

    // Event when click on the button for 3D mode
    displayOnEvent: {
        "type": "Maps/changeMapMode",
        "value": "3D" // Use "2D" for an alert of the 2D event

    // Event when click on the component for "Print Card"
    "displayOnEvent": {
        "type": "Menu/changeCurrentComponent",
        "value": {
          "type": "print"

Alert example for the 3D Mode

"alerts": {
    "eventAlert3dMode": {
        "category": "warning",
        "title": "Alert title"
        "content": "You get the warning if you click on the configured action.",
        "mustBeConfirmed": false,
        "once": false,
        "displayOnEvent": {
            "type": "Maps/changeMapMode",
            "value": "3D"
    // ... further alerts.

Then make sure the event is for your portal or in global:

"restrictedAlerts": {
    "<>": ["AlertId1", "AlertId2", "eventAlert3dMode"],

Strange side effects for layer eventsđź”—

... which can be used but: NOT supported.

ALL of them are not 100% unique. The click events for the layers currently have no id to handle them without side effects.

How you can configure the activation/ deactivation of a layer as an event in the alerts.

Also: It is better not to use the legend variant. You can switch these off for individual layers and then (presumably) these Modules/Legend/createLegendForLayerInfo/ Modules/Legend/removeLegend events will not be found at all.

  "displayOnEvent": {
      "type": "showLayerAttributions",
      "value": {
        "id": "453",
        "visibility": false