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URL parameters🔗

Special URL parameters exist to change configuration details or execute initial actions on opening the Masterportal. The URL parameter list begins with a "?", and individual parameters are separated with "&" characters. The Parameters are not case sensitive.

Example: https://localhost:9001/portal/master/?MAPS={"center":[567558.0717944179,5939099.392574146],"mode":"2D","zoom":4}&LAYERS=[{"id":"453","visibility":true},{"id":"2426","visibility":true,"transparency":50}]&MENU={"main":{"currentComponent":"print","attributes":{"currentScale":5000,"dpiForPdf":"120"}},"secondary":{"currentComponent":"coordToolkit"}}

Parameter list🔗

List of URL parameters with examples.

Name Description Example
CONFIGJSON Sets the configuration file to use. This is done by either providing an absolute URL (https://...) or a relative path. The specified path must point to a config.json file. &CONFIGJSON=../config.json
FEATUREVIAURL Creates the given features and adds them to a GeoJSON layer. A layerId should be given for each feature set, and each feature must provide the fields coordinates and label. The coordinates should match the respective GeometryType according to the GeoJSON specification RFC7946, which also states that the coordinates must fit the "EPSG:4326" coordinate system. The parameters also depend on the module's configuration in config.featureviaurl. If another coordinate system is defined in the module´s configuration, the coordinates will be transformed to "EPSG:4326". &FEATUREVIAURL=[{"layerId":"42","features":[{"coordinates":[10,53.5],"label":"TestPunkt"}]}]
HIGHLIGHTFEATURE Describes a feature of a layer that is to be highlighted and zoomed in on. The layer ID and feature ID are separated by a comma. The LayerId corresponds to the layer ID configured in services.json. The FeatureId corresponds to the gml:id of the wfs service, e.g. DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_6. Several FeatureId can also be specified. These are separated by commas after the first FeatureId. If there are several features, an extent is calculated on which the zoom is performed. &HIGHLIGHTFEATURE=1711,DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_6,DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_18,DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_29
HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE Highlights the features of a WFS configured via URL parameters wfsId, attributeName, attributeValue and optional attributeQuery. The wfsId has to match the layer configuration in Themenconfig.Layer.WFS and services.json. WFS version has to be 1.1.0. The parameters - attributeName has to contain the name of the property in the WFS (with featurePrefix from config.json prefixed), attributeValue the value to match (or the list of values separated by comma for isIn) and optional attributeQuery can be isEqual for exact searching, isLike for an isLike search or isIn for searching in a set of values that has to be defined in attributeValue (with a configurable value delimiter defaulting to semicolon). &HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=8712&ATTRIBUTENAME=bezirk&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Altona&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike
LAYERS Overrides the layers in the topic tree. If you use this parameter, only the layers specified in the URL will be displayed. It is possible to specify the visibility and transparency for each layer. Attention: It should be noted that only one WMSTimeLayer can be visible at a time. If more than one such layer is specified, only one will be displayed. &LAYERS=[{"id":"453","visibility":true},{"id":"2426","visibility":true,"transparency":50}]
LNG Sets the language, if configured in config.js &LNG=en
MAPS Sets attributes of the map like zoomLevel or center. The map can be started in 2D and 3D modes. In 3D mode it is possible to position the camera. &MAPS={"mode":"3D","altitude":127,"heading":-1.2502079000000208,"tilt":45} &MAPS={"center":[567558.0717944179,5939099.392574146],"mode":"2D","zoom":4}
MARKER Sets a point marker to the given coordinate. If PROJECTION is given as parameter, the marker coordinates are to be expected in that coordinate reference system and are translated before application. Else, the given coordinates must match the map's coordinate reference system. See config.namedProjections.epsg. &MARKER=565874,5934140
MDID Activates all layers with the specified metadata ID. In addition, the baselayer configured at the top in config.json is displayed. &MDID=F35EAC11-C236-429F-B1BF-751C0C18E8B7
MENU Sets modules that should be opened initially. For the mainMenu and secondaryMenu one module each can be specified. The specification of attributes is possible depending on the respective module. &MENU={"main":{"currentComponent":"print","attributes":{"currentScale":5000,"dpiForPdf":"120"}},"secondary":{"currentComponent":"coordToolkit"}}
QUERY Starts the search via the search bar with any string given. &QUERY=Neuenfelder Straße 19
UISTYLE Activates a special UI variant. E.g. simple may be set to hide all UI elements in an iFrame scenario. &UISTYLE=simple
ZOOMTOEXTENT Zooms to an extent. May be combined with projection. &ZOOMTOEXTENT=510000,5850000,625000,6000000
ZOOMTOFEATUREID Zooms to the features of a WFS configured via config.zoomTo. &ZOOMTOFEATUREID=18,26
ZOOMTOGEOMETRY Zooms to a feature requested from a WFS. Allowed parameters depend on config.zoomTo. As an alternative to the feature name, features may also be addressed by their geometries array index, starting at 1. &ZOOMTOGEOMETRY=bergedorf

Legacy parameter list🔗

List of obsolete URL parameters with examples. Current URL parameters are given as an alternative.

Name Description Example Alternative
ALTITUDE Only works when used in combination with MAP, MAPMODE or MAP/MAPMODE. Sets the altitude in 3D mode. &MAP/MAPMODE=3D&ALTITUDE=127 &MAPS={"mode":"3D","altitude":127}
API/HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE Highlights the features of a WFS configured via URL parameters wfsId, attributeName, attributeValue and optional attributeQuery. The wfsId has to match the layer configuration in Themenconfig.Layer.WFS and services.json. WFS version has to be 1.1.0. The parameters - attributeName has to contain the name of the property in the WFS (with featurePrefix from config.json prefixed), attributeValue the value to match (or the list of values separated by comma for isIn) and optional attributeQuery can be isEqual for exact searching, isLike for an isLike search or isIn for searching in a set of values that has to be defined in attributeValue (with a configurable value delimiter defaulting to semicolon). &API/HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=8712&ATTRIBUTENAME=bezirk&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Altona&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=1711&ATTRIBUTENAME=name&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Helios%20ENDO-Klinik%20Hamburg&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=2003&ATTRIBUTENAME=gebietsname&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=NSG%20Zollenspieker&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=isequal HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=2928&ATTRIBUTENAME=biotop_nr&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=279&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=isLike
ATTRIBUTENAME Highlights the features of a WFS configured via URL parameters wfsId. Only used with HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE or API/HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE. The parameters - attributeName has to contain the name of the property in the WFS (with featurePrefix from config.json prefixed) &HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=8712&ATTRIBUTENAME=bezirk&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Altona&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike
ATTRIBUTEQUERY Highlights the features of a WFS configured via URL parameters wfsId. Only used with HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE or API/HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE. AttributeQuery can be isEqual for exact searching, isLike for an isLike search or isIn for searching in a set of values that has to be defined in attributeValue (with a configurable value delimiter defaulting to semicolon). &HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=8712&ATTRIBUTENAME=bezirk&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Altona&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike
ATTRIBUTEVALUE Highlights the features of a WFS configured via URL parameters wfsId. Only used with HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE or API/HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE. AttributeValue the value to match (or the list of values separated by comma for isIn). &HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=8712&ATTRIBUTENAME=bezirk&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Altona&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike
BEZIRK Zooms to a feature requested from a WFS. Allowed parameters depend on config.zoomTo. As an alternative to the feature name, features may also be addressed by their geometries array index, starting at 1. &BEZIRK=wandsbek &ZOOMTOGEOMETRY=bergedorf
CENTER Moves the view to center the given coordinate. If PROJECTION is given as parameter, the CENTER coordinates are expected to be given in it, and are translated to the map's coordinate reference system before usage. If PROJECTION is not given, the CENTER coordinates must be given in the map's configured coordinate reference system; see config.namedProjections.epsg. &CENTER=553925,5931898 &MAPS={"center":[567558.0717944179,5939099.392574146]}
CONFIG Sets the configuration file to use. This is done by either providing an absolute URL (http://... resp. https://...) or a relative path. The specified path must point to a config.json file. &CONFIG=../config.json &CONFIGJSON=../config.json
FEATUREID Zooms to the features of a WFS configured via config.zoomTo. &FEATUREID=18,26
HEADING Only works when used in combination with MAP, MAPMODE or MAP/MAPMODE. Sets the heading in 3D mode. &MAP/MAPMODE=3D&HEADING=-1.2502079000000208 &MAPS={"mode":"3D","heading":-1.2502079000000208}
ISINITOPEN The module with the specified ID is opened initially in the menu. &ISINITOPEN=draw &MENU={"secondary":{"currentComponent":"draw"}}
LAYERIDS Overrides the layers in the topic tree. When using this parameter, only the layers specified in the URL are displayed. With the parameters 'VISIBILITY' and 'TRANSPARENCY' the display of the layers can be further specified. Attention: It should be noted that only one WMSTimeLayer can be visible at a time. If more than one such layer is specified, only one will be displayed. If a layerId in params is part of a baselayer group, the group is loaded. &LAYERIDS=453,2128 &LAYERS=[{"id":"453"},{"id":"2426"}]
MAP Mapmode 2D shows the 2D map (as usual). Mapmode 3D shows 3D map when starting masterportal. &MAP=3D &MAPS={"mode":"3D"}
MAPMARKER Sets a point marker to the given coordinate. If PROJECTION is given as parameter, the marker coordinates are to be expected in that coordinate reference system and are translated before application. Else, the given coordinates must match the map's coordinate reference system. See config.namedProjections.epsg. &MAPMARKER=565874,5934140 &MARKER=565874,5934140
MAPMODE Mapmode 2D shows the 2D map (as usual). Mapmode 3D shows 3D map when starting masterportal. &MAPMODE=3D &MAPS={"mode":"3D"}
MAP/CENTER Moves the view to center the given coordinate. If PROJECTION is given as parameter, the CENTER coordinates are expected to be given in it, and are translated to the map's coordinate reference system before usage. If PROJECTION is not given, the CENTER coordinates must be given in the map's configured coordinate reference system; see config.namedProjections.epsg. &MAP/CENTER=[553925,5931898] &MAPS={"center":[567558.0717944179,5939099.392574146]}
MAP/HIGHLIGHTFEATURE Describes a layer's feature that is to be highlighted. Layer and feature id are given separated by a comma. The LayerId corresponds to the layer ID configured in services.json. The FeatureId corresponds to the gml:id of the wfs service e.g. DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_2. &MAP/HIGHLIGHTFEATURE=1711,DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_2 &HIGHLIGHTFEATURE=1711,DE.HH.UP_GESUNDHEIT_KRANKENHAEUSER_2
MAP/LAYERIDS Overrides the layers in the topic tree. When using this parameter, only the layers specified in the URL are displayed. With the parameters 'VISIBILITY' and 'TRANSPARENCY' the display of the layers can be further specified. Attention: It should be noted that only one WMSTimeLayer can be visible at a time. If more than one such layer is specified, only one will be displayed. If a layerId in params is part of a baselayer group, the group is loaded. &MAP/LAYERIDS=453,2128 &LAYERS=[{"id":"453"},{"id":"2426"}]
MAP/MDID Activates all layers with the specified metadata ID. In addition, the baselayer configured at the top in config.json is displayed. &Map/mdId=F35EAC11-C236-429F-B1BF-751C0C18E8B7 &MDID=F35EAC11-C236-429F-B1BF-751C0C18E8B7
MAP/MAPMODE Mapmode 2D shows the 2D map (as usual). Mapmode 3D shows 3D map when starting masterportal. &MAP/MAPMODE=3D &MAPS={"mode":"3D"}
MAP/PROJECTION Coordinate reference system EPSG code. Only works when used in combination with MAP/CENTER, MAPMARKER or MAP/ZOOMTOEXTENT. The coordinates of the parameters are transformed to the projection. If not set, projection of the map is used. Does not set the projection of the map. &PROJECTION=EPSG:31467&MAP/CENTER=[3565836,5945355] &PROJECTION=EPSG:31467&MAPMARKER=3565836,5945355 &PROJECTION=EPSG:4326&MAP/ZOOMTOEXTENT=10.0822,53.6458,10.1781,53.8003 &PROJECTION=EPSG:31467&CENTER=[3565836,5945355] &PROJECTION=EPSG:31467&MARKER=3565836,5945355 &PROJECTION=EPSG:4326&ZOOMTOEXTENT=10.0822,53.6458,10.1781,53.8003
MAP/ZOOMLEVEL Sets the initial zoom level. &MAP/ZOOMLEVEL=7 MAPS={"zoom":0}
MAP/ZOOMTOEXTENT Zooms to an extent. May be combined with projection. &MAP/ZOOMTOEXTENT=510000,5850000,625000,6000000 &ZOOMTOEXTENT=510000,5850000,625000,6000000
MAP/ZOOMTOFEATUREID Zooms to the features of a WFS configured via config.zoomTo. &MAP/ZOOMTOFEATUREID=18,26 &ZOOMTOFEATUREID=18,26
MAP/ZOOMTOGEOMETRY Zooms to a feature requested from a WFS. Allowed parameters depend on config.zoomTo. As an alternative to the feature name, features may also be addressed by their geometries array index, starting at 1. &MAP/ZOOMTOGEOMETRY=bergedorf &ZOOMTOGEOMETRY=bergedorf
PROJECTION Coordinate reference system EPSG code. Only works when used in combination with CENTER, MARKER or ZOOMTOEXTENT. The coordinates of the parameters are transformed to the projection. If not set, projection of the map is used. Does not set the projection of the map. &PROJECTION=EPSG:31467&CENTER=[3565836,5945355] &PROJECTION=EPSG:31467&MARKER=3565836,5945355 &PROJECTION=EPSG:4326&ZOOMTOEXTENT=10.0822,53.6458,10.1781,53.8003
SEARCH/QUERY Starts the search via the search bar with any string given &SEARCH/QUERY=Neuenfelder Straße 19 &QUERY=Neuenfelder Straße 19
STARTUPMODUL The module with the specified ID is opened initially in the menu. &STARTUPMODUL=Draw &MENU={"secondary":{"currentComponent":"draw"}}
STYLE Activates a special UI variant. E.g. simple may be set to hide all UI elements in an iFrame scenario. &STYLE=simple &UISTYLE=simple
TILT Only works when used in combination with MAP, MAPMODE or MAP/MAPMODE. Sets the tilt in 3D mode. &MAP/MAPMODE=3D&TILT=45 &MAPS={"mode":"3D","tilt":45}
TRANSPARENCY Only works when used in combination with LAYERIDS or MAP/LAYERIDS. Transparency can be set separated by commas from 0 to 100; the transparency will be applied to the LAYERIDS or MAP/LAYERIDS layer of the same index. &Map/layerids=453,2128&transparency=0,40 &LAYERS=[{"id":"2426","visibility":true,"transparency":50}]
VISIBILITY Only works when used in combination with LAYERIDS or MAP/LAYERIDS. Visibility can be set separated by commas as true or false; the visibility will be applied to the LAYERIDS or MAP/LAYERIDS layer of the same index. &Map/layerids=453,2128&visibility=true,false &LAYERS=[{"id":"453","visibility":true},{"id":"2426","visibility":false}]
WFSID Highlights the features of a WFS configured via URL parameters wfsId. Only used with HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE or API/HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE. The wfsId has to match the layer configuration in Themenconfig.Layer.WFS and services.json. &HIGHLIGHTFEATURESBYATTRIBUTE=123&WFSID=8712&ATTRIBUTENAME=bezirk&ATTRIBUTEVALUE=Altona&ATTRIBUTEQUERY=IsLike
ZOOMLEVEL Sets the initial zoom level. &ZOOMLEVEL=2 MAPS={"zoom":0}