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Git Workflow🔗


  • Commit early, commit often
  • A commit represents an idea or a change
  • Use verbs for your commits: add/remove/update/refactor/fix/config/hotfix
  • Do not commit console.log statements

Branches and workflow🔗

  • The development of new features and bug fixing usually takes place on features branches based on the dev_vue branch. We use the Gitflow Workflow.
  • The development branch is named dev_vue.
  • Use verbs for commits: add/remove/update/refactor/fix/config/hotfix. Commit messages should be in English and speaking.
  • Branches are deleted after merging.

  • Feature branches are updated with the remote branch using git command rebase and not with the merge command.

Further reading: merge vs. rebase

Below is a guide for rebasing:

Rebase a checked out feature branch with remote dev_vue🔗

git pull --rebase origin dev_vue

Repeat following steps until rebasing is completed:🔗

1. After solving each conflict:🔗

  • To check the rebase state of the current rebase step:
    git status

2. If "Working directory clean" (No further changes are available)🔗

git rebase --skip

3. If "modified" (changes still exist)🔗

  • --> Resolve conflicts in the individual files.
    git add [Path to file whose conflict has been resolved]
    git rebase --continue

4. If "deleted" (Files have been deleted). Check whether displayed files should be deleted🔗

  • File will be deleted:
    git rm
    git rebase --continue
    File won't be deleted:
    git checkout [File path]
    git rebase --continue

Pushing results after finished rebasing🔗

  • If the feature branch has already been pushed (force push):
    git push -f oder git push --force
    If the feature branch still exists:
    git push


  • The commits are written to the repository with thematically closed pushes; however, the aim is not to include entire features in one push, but to model activities. Pushing your local development state on a daily basis is recommended to prevent data loss.

Definition Of Done🔗

  • Before opening a pull request, the author checks whether these conditions are met:
    • The target branch has been rebased to the feature branch immediately before opening the pull request. Hence, there are no conflicts.
    • The code is fine:
      • There are no warnings or errors in the linter report.
      • The code honors the conventions.
    • The documentation has been extended:
    • Test suites with tests are available:
      • For new functions: A short description of a test case to add it to the test protocol is provided. (Should result from the ticket.)
      • Unit tests are written: Test documentation
    • A functional tests on a build portal was executed:
      • According to ticket description.
      • Cross-Browser (Chrome, IE 11, FF) - mobile behavior emulated in the browser.


  • External developers are not team members and do not receive write permission to the repository. Please fork the dev_vue branch for your development.
  • Commit and push to your fork. From the fork, a pull request targeting the dev_vue branch may be opened.
  • Please also fix bugs targeting the dev_vue branch
    • Please indicate in the pull request if the bug should be published as a hotfix.. Please note our hints regarding versioning.
    • Team members take care of transferring the required code.
    • We use cherry-picking to apply hotfix commits. This is simpler when hotfix commits contain the hotfix and nothing else. Please note our coding conventions regarding this.

Pull Requests🔗

  • Commits pushed to branches may only reach the dev_vue branch via pull requests.
  • External developers set their PR's reviewer to geowerkstatt. This is a technical user that will note the team members.
  • The review is done by at least one team member. The reviewer checks the pull request based on the Definition of Done. Errors or comments may be added directly to the code or as comments within the pull request.
  • A pull request passing all checks is approved. The approving team member merges the pull request for external developers.