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Create the jsdoc with npm run buildJsDoc and open file .../jsdoc/index.html.

See files under src\modules\coordToolkit as examples for correct jsdoc.

vue component🔗

The jsdoc should have a module path corresponding to the path in the folder structure: @module modules/draw/components/DrawModule and must be located directly above export default {.

@vue-data to describe data

@vue-prop to describe props

@vue-computed to describe computed properties

To provide default values in jsdoc, do it like this:

* @vue-prop {String} [selectedInteraction="draw"] - The selected interaction.

All methods must provide jsdoc, it is shown also in created jsdoc-files.


 * Modules to make drawings.
 * @module modules/draw/components/DrawModule
 * @vue-prop {ol/layer/Vector} layer - The vector layer to get the hight of.
 * @vue-prop {String} [selectedInteraction="draw"] - The selected interaction.
 * @vue-data {ol/layer/Vector} [layer=null] - The vector layer for drawings.
 * @vue-data {ol/source/Vector} [source=new VectorSource()] - The vector source for drawings.
 * @vue-computed {String} message - Error message for missing something.
 export default {
     name: "DrawModule",

store actions, getters, mutations🔗

The jsdoc should have a module path corresponding to the path in the folder structure: @module modules/draw/store/actions and must be located directly above export default {.

All functions must provide jsdoc, it is shown also in created jsdoc-files.


 * The actions for the draw module.
 * @module modules/draw/store/actions
export default {
 * The getters for the draw module.
 * @module modules/draw/store/getters
export default {
 * The mutations for the draw module.
 * @module modules/draw/store/mutations

store state🔗

The jsdoc should have a module path corresponding to the path in the folder structure: @module modules/draw/store/state.

All properties must provide jsdoc.


 * State of module draw.
 * @module modules/draw/store/state
 * @property {String[]} [drawTypesMain=["pen", "geometries", "symbols"]] The top level (main) drawing types.
 * @property {String} [icon="bi-pencil"] Icon next to title (config-param)
 * @property {String} [name=""] Displayed as title (config-param)
 * @property {String} [selectedDrawType=""] The selected draw type.
 * @property {String} [selectedDrawTypeMain=""] The selected draw type main.
 * @property {Boolean} [showDescription=""] If true, description will be shown.
 * @property {String[]} [supportedDevices=["Desktop", "Mobile", "Table"]] Devices on which the module is displayed.
 * @property {String[]} [supportedMapModes=["2D", "3D"]] Map mode in which this module can be used.
 * @property {String} [type="draw"] The type of the module.
 const state = {

other javascript files🔗

The jsdoc should have a module path corresponding to the path in the folder structure, e.g. : @module modules/draw/js/interaction.

All functions must provide jsdoc.


 * Handling of interactions.
 * @module modules/draw/js/interaction