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Quick-Start Guide🔗

This guide describes how to set up the Masterportal on your server and how to configure it to become your custom portal.

Host an example application on your server🔗

  1. To set up your portal, please download the last stable version from Bitbucket by clicking the link provided.

  2. To publish your portal (e.g. to the Internet) it's required to host the portal with a web server. For this purpose, move the ZIP file to your web server (e.g. to the htdocs folder of an Apache server) and unpack the archive.

  3. The folder examples holds the following file and folder structure:

    • Basic/
      • resources/
        • img/
          • ...
        • rest-services-internet.json
        • services-internet.json
        • style_v3.json
      • config.js
      • config.json
      • index.html
    • mastercode/
      • [version]/
        • css/
          • masterportal.css
        • img/
          • tools
            • draw
              • ... (svg files used by the draw tool)
          • Logo_Masterportal.svg
          • ajax-loader.gif
          • mapMarker.svg
        • js/
          • masterportal.js
        • locales/

    The folder Basic comes with an example application providing the portal-specific configuration files config.js, config.json, and the index.html.

    Also contained is the folder resources providing the global configuration files services.json, rest-services.json, and style.json, as well as the required images (folder img) of this portal instance.

    The folder mastercode contains the compressed JavaScript and CSS files of the Masterportal. Here, the folder img holds the logo and svg files used in the draw tool.

  4. You may decide to change the name of the folder examples. Should you decide to do so, also change "examples" to your new folder name in the URLs that follow. The portal should now be available by following this link.

    • https://[web-server-name]/examples/Basic/index.html

Configure example application🔗

By following these steps you can modify the example application to become your custom portal:

  1. If need be, change the global configuration files in the folder resources to add aerial view images of other regions, to add icons, to modify existing icons, and so on.

  2. Please subsequently duplicate the folder Basic and rename it to your portal name, e.g. my_portal.

  3. You may now modify the configuration files config.js and config.json within this new folder my_portal. For example, you may define which layers are to appear in the layer tree, configure the tools required, customize the baselayers, change the display name of the portal, and so on. For all options, please refer to the full documentation of the config.js and config.json files.

  4. Your new portal may now be opened by navigating to the URL:

    • https://[web-server-name]/examples/my_portal/index.html