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Migration of configs.json from version 2.x to version 3.0.0🔗

  1. Clone the current master portal Git repository (if not yet available).

    git clone

  2. Check out the current Masterportal 3.0.0 development branch via Git.

    git checkout dev_vue

  3. Help for use is displayed if the help parameter is specified.
    npm run migrateConfig help
  4. MigrateConfig script without parameters: The information in the console guides you through the file conversion. You will be asked for the paths of the portal to be migrated.

    npm run migrateConfig

  5. First, the portal folder of the portal to be migrated must be specified (here testportal_v2) with path.The source file config.json must be located in the folder.

    masterportal@3.0.0 migrateConfig
    node devtools/tasks/migrator/migrate.js
    The paths to the portal or folder with portals must start from "[...]/masterportal/")!
    ? source path to the portal or folder with portals to migrate:
     (portal/master) portal/testportal_v2

  6. You will then be asked to enter the destination folder (here: testportal_v3).

    ? destination path to store the migrated portal(s):

  7. Call MigrateConfig with parameters.

  8. Migration of one portal:

    npm run migrateConfig source=portal/testportal_v2 dest=portal/testportal_v3

  9. Migration of several portals: a folder containing several portals is specified. ATTENTION: the config.json files of the portals will be overwritten!
    npm run migrateConfig source=portal dest=portal