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The LayerPreview module🔗

To show a preview of a layer use the module LayerPreview. In a div a small map image is displayed that can be used in other components. For WMS and WMTS layers, the image is fetched as a GetMap request. If not specified, a centered map section is loaded. For VectorTile layers, an image is stored in the file system.

These layer-types are supported:

"WMS", "WMTS", "VectorTile"

Vue-props of the LayerPreview🔗

Name Required Type Default Description
layerId yes String Id of the layer.
center no Array/String initial center of the map Center coordinates for the preview.
zoomLevel no Number initial zoom-level of the map Zoom-level for the preview.
radius no Number 1000 Radius of the extent.
checkable no Boolean false If true, preview is checkable.
checked no Boolean false If true, preview is checked.
customClass no String "" Custom css-class to overwrite style, NOTICE: maybe !important must be used.
currentlyVisible no Boolean false If true, preview is highlighted by a thick border if the layer is currently visible.


If property checkable is true, previewClicked is emitted to parent component.

Properties at the layer in services.json at layer in Object preview🔗

Name Required Type Default Description
center no Array/String initial center of the map Center coordinates for the preview.
zoomLevel no Number initial zoom-level of the map Zoom-level for the preview.
radius no Number 1000 Radius of the extent.
customClass no String "" Custom css-class to overwrite style, NOTICE: maybe !important must be used.
src no String Path to preview image.

Example of a WMS-layer:

"id": "1234",
"name": "Digital orthophotos",
"shortname": "Orthophotos",
"typ": "WMS",
            "zoomLevel": 6,
            "radius": 500

Example of a VectorTile-layer:

"id": "VectorTile",
"name": "ArcGIS VectorTile",
"shortname": "VectorTile",
"typ": "VectorTile",
  "src": "./resources/vectorTile.png"

Example of usage in a SFC:

import LayerPreview from "../../../shared/modules/layerPreview/components/LayerPreview.vue";

// [...]

 components: {

// [...]

<template lang="html">

// [...]

    :zoom-level="typeof layer.preview?.zoomLevel === 'number'? layer.preview?.zoomLevel : null"
    :radius="layer.preview?.radius ? layer.preview?.radius : null"
    :center="layer.preview?.center ? layer.preview?.center : null"
    :custom-class="layer.preview?.customClass ? layer.preview?.customClass : null"