The LayerPreview module🔗
To show a preview of a layer use the module LayerPreview. In a div a small map image is displayed that can be used in other components. For WMS and WMTS layers, the image is fetched as a GetMap request. If not specified, a centered map section is loaded. For VectorTile layers, an image is stored in the file system.
These layer-types are supported:
Vue-props of the LayerPreview🔗
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
layerId | yes | String | Id of the layer. | |
center | no | Array/String | initial center of the map | Center coordinates for the preview. |
zoomLevel | no | Number | initial zoom-level of the map | Zoom-level for the preview. |
radius | no | Number | 1000 | Radius of the extent. |
checkable | no | Boolean | false | If true, preview is checkable. |
checked | no | Boolean | false | If true, preview is checked. |
customClass | no | String | "" | Custom css-class to overwrite style, NOTICE: maybe !important must be used. |
currentlyVisible | no | Boolean | false | If true , preview is highlighted by a thick border if the layer is currently visible. |
If property checkable
is true, previewClicked
is emitted to parent component.
Properties at the layer in services.json at layer in Object preview
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
center | no | Array/String | initial center of the map | Center coordinates for the preview. |
zoomLevel | no | Number | initial zoom-level of the map | Zoom-level for the preview. |
radius | no | Number | 1000 | Radius of the extent. |
customClass | no | String | "" | Custom css-class to overwrite style, NOTICE: maybe !important must be used. |
src | no | String | Path to preview image. |
Example of a WMS-layer:
"id": "1234",
"name": "Digital orthophotos",
"shortname": "Orthophotos",
"typ": "WMS",
"zoomLevel": 6,
"radius": 500
Example of a VectorTile-layer:
"id": "VectorTile",
"name": "ArcGIS VectorTile",
"shortname": "VectorTile",
"typ": "VectorTile",
"src": "./resources/vectorTile.png"
Example of usage in a SFC:
import LayerPreview from "../../../shared/modules/layerPreview/components/LayerPreview.vue";
// [...]
components: {
// [...]
<template lang="html">
// [...]
:zoom-level="typeof layer.preview?.zoomLevel === 'number'? layer.preview?.zoomLevel : null"
:radius="layer.preview?.radius ? layer.preview?.radius : null"
:center="layer.preview?.center ? layer.preview?.center : null"
:custom-class="layer.preview?.customClass ? layer.preview?.customClass : null"