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Variables Documentation🔗

This documentation describes how the variables in Masterportal are intended to be used.


For Masterportal we use a few different colors.

Most importantly:

$light_grey: #E3E3E3;
$dark_blue: #003063;
$white: #ffffff;
$black: #000;
$light_red: #E10019;
$dark_grey: #424242;
$light_blue: #00437A;

These colors are Hamburg specific colors and can be overwritten.

Primary variable🔗

Furthermore we overwrite bootstrap's $primary variable with the $dark_blue variable which means all bootstrap uses of the primary variable are now in this dark blue. For example the class btn-primary or bg-primary. The primary button in a tool should have the class btn-primary. Primary buttons should always be used if there is only one button.

Secondary variable🔗

We also overwrite the secondary variable. Secondary buttons should be used as the less important buttons in a tool etc. For example cancel or back buttons that are less important. Secondary buttons should always be used if there is more than one button.

Table styles🔗

Additionally, there are certain table styles set as well as contrasting colors for the light_grey variable.

Notification colours🔗

Notification colours can be used directly from Bootstrap. Keywords: success, info, warning, danger. For example btn-info. We still use the variable $light_red in certain places for red warnings. The color does not have a high enough contrast and should therefor be used sparingly. Therefore the bootstrap danger variable is overwritten by light_red.


Generally it is best practice to use bootstrap classes and variables in the html code already such as btn-primary or bg-primary. If this is too much though, it is better to use variables in the scss code.


For sizes we also have different variables that you can use: Usually the base size for rem is 16px (Browser Default) which is 1rem in the code. This can be changed by setting font-size in the html tag. Masterportal is also based on 16px for rem calculations but the base font size is 12 px (0.75rem based on 16px). This means: when you use 1rem in scss Code, it will be 16px but if you use the font variables, 1rem is 12px.

Font Size / Typography🔗

Bootstrap offers these: $font-size-base: 1rem; $font-size-sm: $font-size-base * .875; $font-size-lg: $font-size-base * 1.25;

We set our base Size to 12px which you can see in App.vue where we use $font_size_default that is set to 12px in variables.scss. If you want a bigger default size, change the $font_size_default and everywhere where the bootstrap classes (-base, -sm, -lg) is used the font will be scaled accordingly. You can overwrite these variables if need be.


Tools should be rendered to the sidebar. You can enable this by setting "renderToWindow": false. Tools should have the $content_upper_space at the top between content and the top line. Between two different content sections $content_section_space and between content within a section (for example between an input field and the next input field) itself $content_space. Theses variables also depend on the default base size 16px. If you change the font size in the html tag, the spaces will also be bigger/smaller, because this changes the base size.

In this image you can see how the variables are meant to be used in tools: toolSpacerVariables.png